Friday, December 9, 2011

Life lately...

                                                                                                                                             *I am wearing my Cocoon Snood. Love it!

* We put out our Christmas tree. It's magical! Our home looks much more cozy and children love it. When it is about Christmas I am very childish as well, and enjoy this time of the year as much as them.

* My little boy had his first piano lesson this week. It was so exciting! I think more for me than for him, but he really enjoyed it as well and now we have to organize his schedule for regular lessons.

* I almost finished buying presents for everybody... I really don't like to leave this for the last moment  (as I was always doing for the past few years, just because I never had time to plan and think about it in advance).

* We've been sick for a few days... and today was the first day we got out all together for a walk and I snapped a few photos. Though Sophie got asleep in her stroller and we decided not to bother her... :-)

* As I am already planning Christmas meal and found some delicious and fun recipes I am going to share them with you very soon.

* I almost finished a fun crochet tutorial (it will be available for free very soon).  

* Did you notice that now you can follow my blog by email? It just here on the right side bar. :-) It will help you to stay tuned and not to miss all interesting things I am planing for this month and for the future.

* Don't forget to vote (here) for the pattern you would like to buy on Monday with 50% discount.

* Have a great weekend! :-)

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